
These are my stories, memories and adventures collected in a chronological order.

Snowy Saturday!

It was all white when we woke up...

Welcome 2024

A winter gathering with my brother's house at Nara

AI/ML Learning Path

a journey to learn, a journey to discover


Setting up AWS Development with the use of CLI

An archive of my own personal website

TGS 2008

a very short note

YUI Goods

Accepting orders!!!

Happy Holidays!!!

Vacation to Philippines!

Goodies Ready!

From Japan with love!

For Sale Page is UP!

Created section for selling goods...

Cup Stacking

Found some interesting videos...

Tokyo Game Show 2007

My experience attending the event.

Roland VG-99 Demo

A short demo video of VG-99

WHY by Ayaka

An FF7 soundtrack...

MP3 Downloads

Files available for downloads...

ZARD's Vocalist

News about ZARD's lead vocalist...

Music Theory

Thoughts on learning...


Had fever and flu...

QRCode Readers

Having fun with QRCode readers

Adobe InDesign

Creating a product manual...

It's up!

Website releases!!!

Radio Blog 2.0

A new trend in blogging

Gotta go!

Short updates - with tagalog phrases

Snow Drop!

A sudden trip to the skii resort

ASDL + IP Phone

About my internet installation

Typical Day

Update on what happened this day...

2 New Books

For coding best practices and image processing


My article in Anime Magazine to be published and few updates...


Busy months...

Non-Stop Learning...

Self-study, IBM Websphere and Pokemons...

DJ me!

A call with my family via Yahoo Messenger


Sport's day/fest in Japan

Homesick?! Nahh...

Reflection after a week in Japan

I'm an Alien!!!

Applying for my alien card and medicare in Japan

Nihon School? Cool!

First time visiting Japanese school, and other places.

Garbage Collection

What I learned re: Japan's Garbage Collection

Japan! Japan!

My second day after arrival.