Japan! Japan!

Wow! There are so much to write for today... I am watching Detective Conan while writing this one ^_^. This morning when I woke-up the gentle and cool breeze really makes me feel like its already christmas here (hehehe). At the veranda of our staff house, I just observed that all Japanese girls and gals really do ride bikes as they go to school, and here is the interesting part, most of their bikes are modelled like the old-one chinese era ^_^, but basically it really looks like it is built for girls, they really look-like girl type bikes ^^;... and smile! wehehe, I'm also going to ride the same-type of bike ^^; bwahahaha!

For today I enjoyed setting-up my workstation and in the late afternoon we just dropped by to Jusco (a Japanese Department Stores here in Oita) for me to learn to buy some stuffs like food to cook, drinks, etc. Cool, they really are very friendly, plus seeing all the junior highs Japanese Girls playing around the arcades ^_^.

I just bought Omochi (rice cake), that I am now eating and Taiyaki (fished-style bread). When I am at the Jusco Games and CDs department I just saw the prices of XBOX, PS2 and GameCube ewww... I just can't take away my eyes staring at them, if I wont control myself I'm going home empty handed of my yens... good for me that its getting late at night by that time so my employer and I went home. Oops! and btw I also been standing for a long time there staring at the huge models of Gundam Suites... arrrrggghhh I want to buy them!!!! Oh, its 8:17pm already, 3 D.Conan episodes had passed... I am getting starvin' need to cook, I'll try to sneak peak some of my experiences yesterday upon my arrival here in Japan... of course after I have my dinner ^_^ so bye for now. Ja!