YUI Goods

Okay I already got my ticket for the YUI concert this coming July 8, so I’d like to announce to those who sent me private messages that I might be able to get you only the following items (all shipping+tax included):

YUI 3rd Tour Goods

  • Charcoal, Red, Beige Tshirt Small/Medium/Large (1800pesos) **Limited supply only
  • Mobile Pick Strap (880 pesos)
  • Towel (1150 pesos) **Limited supply only
  • Keychain (480pesos)
  • Economy bag (400pesos)

Please send your order by placing your comment here and do not forget to include your email address. I’ll send payment info and instructions on how to get your items through your email address. If you are interested on purchasing T-shirt and/or towel pls. understand that these items are limited supply only so in case I would not be able to get you a T-shirt or towel please include your alternate order of item(s) such as Keychain/Mobile strap/Economy bag. Also kindly specify your full name, address and contact information. Do not worry I’ll keep your comments private ;)
