And the Saga Continues...
I'm working on some of my playground's pages, including this one. Had finished the
HOME section. Hoooray!!! Throw confettis in the air hahaha... it reminds me of those
times I used to spend my time chatting on mIRC (Inter-relay chat) where I always use
those phrase whenever it calls for celebrations. It was few years ago when one of my
buddies whose name is Nick and I created different channels in mIRC. During those times,
I remembered doing massive invitations using bots to market our channels ^_^
... And there
I met some of good friends like Ral, Kim and Christia... oh! and that's what you call memory
flashbacks hehehe...
Well then, I think it's time to do other pages. I might as well listen to my MP3 collection
while working... shameless plug Friends by Mike Francis cool! d^_^b