YUI Live in Budokan 2007

7PM, A stunning, heart pounding moment as we wait for YUI to enter the stage... Around 7:15PM, Lights off The crowd shouted in the dark. Spotlights from different corners focused on the main stage. Holding our breath, YUI elevated from ground level up to the main stage while carrying her guitar in a hard case. The crowd shouted and applaused continuously as YUI walks at the center aisle of the stage. YUI sat down in the middle hall and opened up the guitar case. She pulled out her Martin guitar as well as the aroma candle, placing it on top of the case. She then pulled a matchbox out of her pocket and attempted once, twice, to light-up the candle. YUI while being at the center of the spotlight started to pick the strings of her guitar. And then sings

  1. “It’s happy line”...

Really breath taking! I was watching her closely and felt like my heart is pumping harder every second while YUI performs... everyone is so quiet, all of us just wanted to share every piece of her song. After her 1st song, she then paused and talked for a while. Next was

  1. “Goodbye Days”...

YUI played this twice as she misses on the first one... (crowd shouting Ganbatte!!! がんばって!!!) again all of us were holding our breath. Lights off She then ran back to the main stage where YUI’s band members already get there position and started to play the following songs:

  1. Merry Go Round
  2. LIFE

~MC~ (Where she introduces the band members)

  1. CHE.R.RY

~MC~ (Where YUI introduces a friend named YuuYu, a bear. YUI tried to guess YuuYu’s birthday before singing the next song. Almost all of the crowd knows the dance choreography here and YUI was happy and half-surprised.)

  1. Happy Birthday to you you (YuuYu)
  2. It’s all right


  1. winter hot music (She never played guitar here and instead used a hand mic).
  2. I remember you
  3. Skyline


  • YUI Radio at Budokan (This was so funny! I LOVE IT!)
  • Shigezou’s Interview
  • YUI wears a cocktail style sun-glasses* (So CUTE!)
  • Wu-wan & Nyan
  • Kaji-san the guitarist did an AMAZING backflip
  • YUI showed us how she can play the drums
  • And the best of all, when all of us sang Goodbye Days while YUI plays guitar
  1. LOVE & TRUTH (Together with strings-orchestra of 22 members)
  2. Driving today
  3. Last Train
  4. RUIDO (B’z Fireworks)
  5. JAM
  6. Rolling star
  7. Highway chance


  1. My Generation


  • EN1. Understand (While showing the slide show of fan-club members, including YUI’s photos.)
  • EN2. HELP
  • EN3. feel my soul


  • EN4. Thank you my teens

~Double Encore~



It was a very lovely night, spending time with YUI (oh ok... spending OUR time with YUI) :) This is the first time I watched a concert and it feels like coming back for more!

Before the concert, I lined-up to get few YUI merchandise, I came late at around 3:30PM so the queue was terribly long:

YUI Merchandise Queue

Unfortunately, around 4PM when one of the staff announced that items such as aroma candle were already sold out. Still the queue was too long some of us were thinking if we’ll able to reach the booth. Waiting patiently, 6PM (after 2 & 1/2 hours!?) I arrived at the destination point:

YUI Merchandise Booth

Again some other items were already sold-out such as black shirt (L), etc. So I settled for other items such as the violet shirt (M), pick, stickers and towel.

Items here (later)

Before entering the Budokan stadium, I grabbed some picture of the banner at the entrance:

YUI Live 2007

Although taking pictures inside the concert wasn’t allowed, I managed to get some pictures but not really in good quality (it’s hard to take pictures within the arena):

YUI center of spotlight at the middle hall: YUI Live 2007 in Budokan

YUI introducing YuuYu before singing Happy Birthday to you you: YUI Live 2007 in Budokan

YUI as projected on the big screen: YUI Live 2007 in Budokan

YUI before her exit off stage: YUI Live 2007 in Budokan

And few photos I got after YUI’s concert: Scanned pics later

Quick notes:

  • Will post missing pictures later
  • Will post higher resolution later, uhmm maybe ^^;

One thing I can say I LOVE YUI! Best concert ever! :D
