Homesick?! Nahh...
Its been a week now that I'd stayed here in Japan, ^_^
I'm happy that I never felt homesick
thanks GOD. Okay so I forgot to write about what happened yesterday, hmmm.. okay let me
refresh my memory, oh, alright early morning yesterday nephew of mr. Fujimura (sorry forgot
his name, I guess "Nishi"?) and Noda-san visited the house to talk about the project, I didn't
participate much but I think they are doing good at their projects.
Late afternoon when we go to NTT DoCoMO to look for some keitai, all we just did was inquired
for keitai that can be used for international calls specifically in asia & Philippines, all
things goes well and after that I bought some uniform, and waaahhh its really too expensive,
don't wanna talk about the price but em glad that I have one pair of suite to use now, i.e.,
Tuxedo and Pants ^_^
Okay so what happened for today, okay early morning when we went to Yukari's school to attend
"Ondokai" it was there Sports Day in school so I have a great time watching the programs/events
in the school, it end-up before lunch then we proceed to Joyfull Restaurant to take our lunch,
nice lunch we have there ^_^
(bloated) hehehe. We went home afterwards to take a rest. And btw
we visited some stores that sells CD, VCDs, and DVDs, I saw some anime and hentai ^_^
but it was
expensive for me so I just ended up staring at them hehehe ^_^
Well that's all for today, its already very late at night, again for tomorrow... ja ne!
Words I recall for today and yesterday:
- Akeru (あける) = Open
- Shimeru (しめる) = Close
- Kuruma (くるま) = Car
- Inu (いぬ) = Dog
- Ondokai (おんどかい) = Sports Day
- Ie (いえ) = House