Non-Stop Learning...

I was supposed to get my suit/tuxedo today, but unfortunately no one is available to come with this day so I decided to get it tomorrow... I spend much my time today in the house, self-studying about IBM's websphere I am reading an online book right now that is quite long, imagine 1144 pages!? wahhh, and i'm on the 50th page now ^_^ ehehe, you don't expect me to read the whole book page-by-page do you? Anyways, it is quite fun for me and I'm enjoying coz I am learning new stuffz again ^_^. Hmm so what else, oh! I watched Pokemon Japanese series just this afternoon, its quite great coz the opening and ending songs are both in Japanese soundtracks and the dubbing in Japanese language really gives the Pokemon much expressive in a battle, the episode is about the grand tournament of all Pokemon trainers.

Okay, GTG I'll catch up on this later ^_^...