Yes! SIAM SHADE is back... for one night! ;) One of my favorite bands when I was still in Philippines, and up until now! I could still remember the first time I came here in Japan really wishing to see them perform live! Unfortunately it was March 10, 2002 (a few months ago before I came here! Awww...) when the JROCK band decided to have there last concert at Tokyo, JAPAN Budoukan Stadium before they parted ways. I was so SAD... but not for long...

Surprising news actually came when SIAM SHADE’s chief manager NAKAMURA Shinichi passed away last April 2007. The group then decided to honor it’s manager for a one-night concert that will be held at Tokyo, JAPAN Budoukan on November 18th, 2007. The concert would be themed as “心からROCK”  (Kokoro kara ROCK), which means “Rock from the Heart” or “Heart of Rock”.

Official news came from DAITA, SIAM SHADE’s lead guitarist and one of my guitar influence. I tried to translate one of his blog entry here:

NAKAMURA Shinichi, a man who loved SIAM SHADE more than anyone else and the group’s chief manager who passed away last April 25, 2007 at the age of 49. He doesn’t give up to the very last minute as we witnessed him dwelling with his sickness. The only thing we (SIAM SHADE) can do is to honor no other than “Shinichi ISM”, ROCKing sincerely from our hearts, which continues to live...

From there, it has been decided by SIAM SHADE’s each member with their burning desire to re-form the group that parted ways 5 years-ago for one challenging night to LOVE and ROCK LIVE at Tokyo, JAPAN Budoukan Stadium.

Sunday, November 18, 2007 Tokyo, JAPAN, Nippon Budoukan

We wanted to dedicate this supreme performance on stage to him. This is each member’s desire. One more time, let us encounter it at Tokyo, JAPAN Budoukan.

July, 2007


And I would not miss this event! PROMISE!!! 約束を守る!