And that's the way it is...

Ohayou! Minasan... hehehe i forgot to write about the happenings yesterday, ^_^ silly me... niway here is a quick pick... yesterday (Oct. 10, 2002) I got the chance to ride the bus here, of course it wasn't my first time to ride a bus but it my first time to encounter their process of payment and how to get the ticket, plus knowing which number of bus to ride in a bus station, it's quite amazing knowing that each bus here having there own destinations have there scheduled time for that day, there schedules can be seen at the bus station, so I need to be very careful in choosing which bus to ride on, but it was really easy and I think I'll be able to learn it in no time. Their process here in riding a bus goes this way, first you'll enter at the back door of the bus and there is a slot-machine where I could get my ticket and then at every station of the bus we encounter, a recording machine tells all the passenger that we are reaching this destination, etc. now if I were to go down at that station there is a button beside my seat that I'll be able to push on to initiate that I am going down on that station ^_^ cool isn't it? Then I'll walk towards the front of the bus paying the exact amount displayed in the LCDs of the bus (the basis of the amount that will be payed is based from the ticket that I hold, there's a number on it and I'll be able to see from the LCD my number, plus the exact amount to be payed), then exit the front door... I just always remembered things this way when riding the bus... entrance = back door, exit = front door ^^;

Okay so I am thru with the bus, so where I am heading? Weee!!! to Oita Central, I got the chance to go to CentPorta (pronounced as CentoPorta) one of the shopping districts here in Oita, visit this website to see some of its highlights, I also visit some other malls have my lunch in one of its food chain, then look for some "keitai" (pronounced as "keitay"), this is there term for cellphones, I haven't seen Nokia models but its kinda different coz what they have here are JPHONE, AU, etc... I think there system of receiving and sending calls here are quite different plus the services providers also has a certain radius. The ketai looks good and they are colorful as if they look like toys, the screen also is colored and they are compact ^_^. Oh btw, I met a Japanese Girl at the perfume stall and she asks me what I can say about there country, I say that it was great, and then asked me how about the girls? Hehe I answered KAWAII!!! hihihi the Japanese girl really smiles and clapped her hands because of what she heard... she's very kind, she even let me try there perfume, and she is the one who sprayed it to my arms, cool!

Oops! someone is ringing the bell outside, I think Mr. Fujimura is already here, got to go!

Words I recall for today:

  • Keitai (けいたい) = Cellphone/mobilephone