The traditional 1st post - Hello Blog!
It’s been a while since I last updated my blog from the previous site and now it’s time to update
it with a new look and feel. I’m quite happy with the new layout. To add, I will start posting
information about digital recording, music theory and other stuffs related to it. I find it really
interesting and fun, don’t you? :D
Anyway, let me start with the blog’s heading:

On top are two Kanji characters “音” (oto) and “楽” (raku) which means “sound” and “joy” respectively. And when adding up those 2 characters (go get your calculators!) what do we have? Two? No! The term “ongaku” which means MUSIC! It’s really amazing how a person could send his/her feelings and emotions through music, isn’t it? That’s why I came up with the next few lines (written in pink) which was inspired by the Japanese movie titled “Taiyou no Uta” (A song to the sun). It’s a really good movie, why? Because it’s recommended by Yoeru gotcha!.