I'm Alright (Yoeru Cover) Amplitube Settings
This is a continuation of my previous post in Neil Zaza - I’m Alright Cover by Yoeru guitar video. During that recording as I had mentioned that I’ve used Amplitube 2 as Virtual Studio Technology setting or VST for short. In Sonar, VST’s are like plugins that you just hook them up by the plugin manager and then load the Amplitube’s VST. When it’s loaded next thing to do is apply the current patch settings (as shown in the image below, full image is also provided at the end of this article) in the currently selected audio track, which is in my case the recorded guitar track.
Image of Effects and Amp Settings for I'm Alright (Due to archived resource currently unavailable)
The above mentioned settings will be shown as “FX” if used with Sonar. Here’s the full image of the settings available for download: I’m Alright Amplitube Settings.