What is Digital Audio Workstation?

According to Mr. WikiPedia, a digital audio workstation also known as DAW is a system designed to record, edit and play back digital audio. A key feature of DAWs is the ability to freely manipulate recorded sounds, much like a word processor manipulates typed words.

Have you ever wondered of how an audio or sounds can have multiple effects, with different instruments and with a wide-range of channels from Mono, Stereo to Surrounds? Imagine if we are to setup a recording studio in a Church just to make our sound like in a “Church Hall” that would really be so expensive and huge effort is involve.

With the modern technologies especially with computer hardwares and softwares all of this can be achieved in a “not so huge” amount of effort and you’ll be able to save a lot of bucks.

DAWs depending on your installed hardware and software might support multiple layers or tracks to store different instruments. Having these multiple tracks gives us the flexibility with how effects on each instrument would be applied, including the timing and other possible setup such as fade-in, fade out of volume.

As an amateur musician I would surely want to benefit from these technologies and I’m just getting started with it. Next would be a basic checklist to start with my DAW.

To read more about DAW just follow this link.